Saturday, May 07, 2005

I have moved!

Jada and I have moved, more accurately. We moved from Brooklyn Park to Robbinsdale, and as soon as I learn my address, so will all of you. Right now, I'm working on finding it every day. So far, we're alright.

I love my job but yesterday I didn't get enough sleep, so last night at work I was SO tired. Just got off and am at this cute little internet cafe I found called The Bean Scene, at the corner of W Broadway and N Penn Av here in Minneapolis. I've been coming here in the morning after work the past few days. It's really neat and they have decent internet which is, of course, the big draw for internet-less me.

Classes are over for the summer and I will be chillin' and working a few extra hours here and there. My goals for the summer: pay off my VISA, drive home at least once, get completely unpacked. well, maybe the unpacking goal can be for May and June. If I push myself too hard I may be forced to be amazing---we can't have that!!! ;)


Emily said...

You mean do all that stuff and then come visit ME in my new home!!! :) hehehe

'cause you want to move to the wet coast anyway. :) GRIN

Anonymous said...

visiting is one thing, moving to the west coast is a really bad idea. That whole thing is going to drop off into the ocean oneday anyways donchaknow!??

Emily said...

GASP!!! Not a chance! :) If any part of the country drops into the ocean it'll be southern cal because it's overpopulated (sorry Kristy! hehe) or the east coast because it's more... snobby. Yeah. Washington will stay until the rapture, and then I'm SURE bits of heaven are going to look like it because heaven was the model for this state. :) Trust me.