Monday, May 09, 2005

No Mo' Phone

So I've pretty much decided that I'm going to drop my cell phone coverage at the end of this month, as fun as it's been. I did some number-crunching, and even with an early termination fee, i'll have my money back in 60 days and only be saving from there. I can get a landline and then actually HAVE reception from home, whereas now I have to set the phone on my windowsill and put it on speaker and THEN I have very tenuous coverage if i don't move. That's it, and it's frustrating. At this point my cell (as cute as it is) is a convenience more than a necessity, and I'm all about simplifying. So, Verizon Wireless, here's a tissue.


Anonymous said...

that's so sad I think I need a tissue too! I'll miss conversing with you on your way to work, but I totally understand about the whole financial issue. Good job making a tough decision!

Emily said...

Sniff, sniff. but I totally understand. Make sure you give us all your land line number, yo. Um, that's kind of important. ;)